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[Graph Recognizechap8

Description: 程序代码说明 P0801:索书号文字图像分割 P0802:粘连字符切分 P0803:文字识别 P0804:彩色车牌分割 P0805:商标文字分割 Recognition:文字识别的识别子函数 StrDetect01:文字识别的结构特征提取子函数 -Procedure Code Description P0801: Call Number text image segmentation P0802: adhesion character segmentation P0803: Character Recognition P0804: Segmentation of color plates P0805: text segmentation trademarks Recognition: Character Recognition Recognition Functions StrDetect01: the structure of character recognition feature extraction Functions
Platform: | Size: 205824 | Author: kesong | Hits:

[Special Effectsnumber

Description: 数字识别,可以识别1-10的数字,识别率较高,可以作为图像识别编程学习的范例-Digital identification, can identify the number of 1-10, a higher recognition rate can be used as image recognition programming examples to learn
Platform: | Size: 205824 | Author: dujun | Hits:


Description: 本文的题目是基于分形和遗传算法的人脸识别方法,对有限人群提出一种采用分形特征和遗传聚类的识别方法: 将图像分成很多小区域, 分别计算各个区域的分形特征, 以充分利用图像二维信息 同一个模式有多个样本, 通过遗传算法进行聚类以得到最优解实现不变性识别. 最后采用ORL 人脸图像库的一组图像对比了新方法、本征脸法和自联想神经网络方法, 结果表明该方法的识别率, 与本征脸法相似, 比自联想神经网络高.-The title of this article is based on fractal and genetic algorithms for face recognition method, a crowd of limited use of fractal characteristics and the identification of genetic clustering methods: the image is divided into many small regions, each region were calculated fractal characteristics, to take full advantage of two-dimensional image information with a model for a number of samples, through the genetic clustering algorithm in order to obtain the optimal solution to achieve invariant recognition. Finally, using ORL face image database of a group of image contrast of the new methods, eigenface law and auto-associative neural network methods, results show that the method of recognition rate, with the eigenface method is similar to auto-associative neural network than high.
Platform: | Size: 380928 | Author: 阳关 | Hits:

[Graph Recognizedatarecognization

Description: 能实现灰度图像中数字的识别:包括256转灰度图像,二值化,梯度锐化,去离散噪声,整体倾斜调整,字符分割,尺寸标准归一化,紧缩重排,神经网络识别等。-To achieve the number of gray-scale image recognition: includes 256 to gray image, binary, gradient sharpening to discrete noise, the overall tilt adjustment, character segmentation, size standards for normalization, tightening rearrangement, neural network recognition .
Platform: | Size: 3200000 | Author: 高源 | Hits:

[Special Effectswenzituxiangshibie

Description: P0801:索书号文字图像分割 P0802:粘连字符切分 P0803:文字识别 P0804:彩色车牌分割 P0805:商标文字分割 Recognition:文字识别的识别子函数 StrDetect01:文字识别的结构特征提取子函数-P0801: Call Number text image segmentation P0802: adhesion character segmentation P0803: Character Recognition P0804: color plates partition P0805: text segmentation trademarks Recognition: Character Recognition Recognition Functions StrDetect01: the structure of character recognition feature extraction Functions
Platform: | Size: 205824 | Author: shengchunxu | Hits:


Description: P0801:索书号文字图像分割 P0802:粘连字符切分 P0803:文字识别 P0804:彩色车牌分割 P0805:商标文字分割 Recognition:文字识别的识别子函数 StrDetect01:文字识别的结构特征提取子函数-P0801: Call Number text image segmentation P0802: adhesion character segmentation P0803: Character Recognition P0804: color plates partition P0805: text segmentation trademarks Recognition: Character Recognition Recognition Functions StrDetect01: the structure of character recognition feature extraction Functions
Platform: | Size: 48128 | Author: 林先生 | Hits:

[Special Effectschap8

Description: P0801:索书号文字图像分割 P0802:粘连字符切分 P0803:文字识别 P0804:彩色车牌分割 P0805:商标文字分割 Recognition:文字识别的识别子函数 StrDetect01:文字识别的结构特征提取子函数-P0801: Call Number text image segmentation P0802: adhesion character segmentation P0803: Character Recognition P0804: color plates partition P0805: text segmentation trademarks Recognition: Character Recognition Recognition Functions StrDetect01: the structure of character recognition feature extraction Functions
Platform: | Size: 210944 | Author: 柳文 | Hits:

[Special Effectschap8

Description: 程序代码说明 P0801:索书号文字图像分割 P0802:粘连字符切分 P0803:文字识别 P0804:彩色车牌分割 P0805:商标文字分割 Recognition:文字识别的识别子函数 StrDetect01:文字识别的结构特征提取子函数 -Procedure Code Description P0801: Call Number text image segmentation P0802: adhesion character segmentation P0803: Character Recognition P0804: Segmentation of color plates P0805: text segmentation trademarks Recognition: Character Recognition Recognition Functions StrDetect01: the structure of character recognition feature extraction Functions
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 王盛世 | Hits:

[Special Effectschap8

Description: 程序代码说明 P0801:索书号文字图像分割 P0802:粘连字符切分 P0803:文字识别 P0804:彩色车牌分割 P0805:商标文字分割 Recognition:文字识别的识别子函数 StrDetect01:文字识别的结构特征提取子函数-Procedure Code Description P0801: Call Number text image segmentation P0802: adhesion character segmentation P0803: Character Recognition P0804: Segmentation of color plates P0805: text segmentation trademarks Recognition: Character Recognition Recognition Functions StrDetect01: the structure of character recognition feature extraction Functions
Platform: | Size: 207872 | Author: chao | Hits:


Description: CMOS图像传感器OV7620在点钞机人民币号码识别记录系统中的应用-CMOS image sensor OV7620 yuan in cash registers record number recognition system
Platform: | Size: 587776 | Author: yejinhui | Hits:

[Graph Recognizeyundongdetection

Description: 主要是实现许多动态目标进行检测与识别,图象进行处理,希望大家喜欢-The main goal is to achieve a number of dynamic detection and recognition, image processing, I hope you like
Platform: | Size: 2299904 | Author: 鲍文军 | Hits:

[Special Effectsimagethining

Description: 图像细化 (Image Thinning),一般指二值图像的骨架化(Image Skeletonization) 的一种操作运算。 一个图像的骨架由一些线和曲线(比较理想的是单像素宽度),骨架可以提供一个图像目标的尺寸和形状信息,因而在数字图像分析中具有重要的地位,图像细化(骨架化)是进行图像识别、线条类图像目标分析的重要手段。 本文将探讨骨架的一些性质,给出如何判断一个像素是否属于图像目标的骨架,最后将给出获得图像目标骨架的基本算法。-Image Thinning (Image Thinning), generally refers to binary image of the skeleton (Image Skeletonization) an operation of computing. An image of the skeleton by a number of lines and curves (more ideal is a single pixel width), can provide a skeleton image target size and shape information, which in the digital image analysis in an important position, image thinning (skeleton of) is image recognition, line-type image of an important means of target analysis. This article will explore some properties of the skeleton is given how to determine whether a pixel belongs to the target image of the skeleton, the final goal will be given access to images of the basic algorithm skeleton.
Platform: | Size: 110592 | Author: 魏建亮 | Hits:

[Graph Recognize200572811235798

Description: 本文论述并设计实现了一个脱机自由手写体数字识别系统。文中首先对待识别数字的预处理进行了介绍,包括二值化、平滑滤波、规范化、细化等图像处理方法;其次,探讨了如何提取数字字符的结构特征和笔划特征,并详细地描述了知识库的构造方法;最后采用了以知识库为基础的模板匹配识别方法,并以MATLAB作为编程工具实现了具有友好的图形用户界面的自由手写体数字识别系统。实验结果表明,本方法具有较高的识别率,并具有较好的抗噪性能-In this paper, and designed to achieve a free offline handwritten numeral recognition system. First, the identification number of the preconditioning treatment were introduced, including binarization, smoothing filtering, standardization, refinement, such as image processing method Secondly, to explore how to extract the number of character strokes of structural features and characteristics, and described in detail Knowledge of the construction method Finally the use of a Knowledge-based template matching method to identify and MATLAB as a programming tool to achieve with a friendly graphical user interface of free handwritten numeral recognition system. The experimental results show that this method has higher recognition rate, and has better anti-noise performance
Platform: | Size: 1224704 | Author: wangjinfeng | Hits:

[Graph Recognizeyuchuli

Description: 此代码实现了一个对汉字识别的一个预处理过程,把汉字的笔画按照书写顺序编程数字序列,易变后续处理-This code has a Chinese character recognition as a pretreatment process, the number of strokes of Chinese characters in accordance with the written order of the digital programming sequence, the follow-up to deal with volatile
Platform: | Size: 109568 | Author: armzm | Hits:

[Special Effectschap8

Description: P0801:索书号文字图像分割 P0802:粘连字符切分 P0803:文字识别 P0804:彩色车牌分割 P0805:商标文字分割 Recognition:文字识别的识别子函数 StrDetect01:文字识别的结构特征提取子函数 -P0801: Call Number text image segmentation P0802: adhesion character segmentation P0803: Character Recognition P0804: color plates partition P0805: text segmentation trademarks Recognition: Character Recognition Recognition Functions StrDetect01: the structure of character recognition feature extraction Functions
Platform: | Size: 205824 | Author: 李树奎 | Hits:


Description: 该程序首先把rgb图像转化为XYZ空间,然后在XYZ空间进行一些阈值找到黄色的底色车牌,这是从国外的车牌识别程序,但不明白那些阈值为什么要那么设,用的是什么原理? 还有一个疑问就是,这个程序对于输入的车牌有时候找到的是车牌的底,有时候是车牌的数字。一个是黄色,一个是白色。真不知道怎么找的。-The program first rgb image into XYZ space, and then in the XYZ space to some threshold to find a yellow background plates, this is from a foreign license plate recognition program, but those who do not understand why the threshold then set up, using the What is the principle? There is also a doubt is that this procedure for the importation of the license plate is sometimes found at the end of license plates, and sometimes the number of plates. One is yellow, one is white. Really do not know how to find.
Platform: | Size: 95232 | Author: shayu | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Develop114916802

Description: 路径识别是体现智能车智能水平的一个重要标志,而传感器是智能车进行路径识别的关键检测元件。针对智能车在特殊路径与传感器数目限制的条件下的路径识别,提出了基于红外传感器的路径识别方案与基于图像传感器的路径识别方案,并对两种方案的应用性能进行了比较。通过将基于面阵图像传感器的路径识别方案应用于第一届“飞思卡尔”杯全国智能车竞赛并取得优异成绩,验证了该方案的可行性与有效性。 -Path to identify the smart cars are smart level reflected an important sign, and the sensors are intelligent vehicle path to identify the key components Detect. For the smart car at a special restriction on the number of paths with the sensor under the condition of the path of recognition, based on infrared sensors to identify the path with the path based on the image sensor to identify the program, and application performance, the two plans are compared. By noodle-based image sensor array to identify the path used in the first session of the program " Freescale" Cup National Smart car contests and achieved excellent results, verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the program.
Platform: | Size: 224256 | Author: 张庆龙 | Hits:

[Special Effectsxiaoboduibidulsb

Description: 为了提供较大的秘密信息嵌入量和保持良好的载密图像质量,依据人眼对变换剧烈及较暗区域均不敏感的视觉特点,提出了一种基于小波对比度和最低比特位替换(LSB)的图像密写方法.该方法先将载体图像分成固定大小的小块,对每一小块进行小波分解后计算小波对比度.然后,根据该块小波对比度绝对值之和确定该块可以嵌入的位平面层数.最后,采用LSB密写技术逐层嵌入秘密信息.实验结果表明,该密写方法能嵌入较多的信息和保持良好的载密图像质量,并且可直接从载密图像中提取秘密信息.-In order to provide larger capacity of the hidden secret data and to maintain a good visual quality of stego-image,in accordance with the visual property that human eyes are insensitive to edged area and dark area,a novel steganographic method based on wavelet contrast and Least-Significant-Bit(LSB)replacement is presented.First,an image is divided into blocks,and every block is decomposed into one-level wavelet to obtain the wavelet contrast.Then,the number of bit-plane embedded is decided with the s...
Platform: | Size: 263168 | Author: boe | Hits:

[Special EffectsBilinear_Models_for_3-D_Face_and

Description: 人脸识别图像处理的一些算法 -Some face recognition image processing image processing algorithm for a number of face recognition algorithm
Platform: | Size: 1628160 | Author: leslin | Hits:

[Graph programdipsrc

Description: 一个VC数字图像处理系统,其中包括车牌识别系统,并带有大量图像处理特效,傅立叶变换、图像增强、图像恢复、图像编码、分析与重建等,每一项都包含有许多的子处理程序,尤其是车牌处理程序包括定位、分割、匹配、差分、平滑、均衡化、边缘检测、预处理等,了解详细情况请下载编译。 -A VC of digital image processing system, including the license plate recognition system, with a large number of image processing effects, Fourier transform, image enhancement, image restoration, image coding, analysis and reconstruction, each of which contains a lot of sub-processes, especially the license plate processing procedures including positioning, segmentation, matching, difference, smooth, balanced, and edge detection, pre-processing and so on, more information please download the compiler.
Platform: | Size: 180224 | Author: zhongxiaosheng | Hits:
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